Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wild Bacteria Experiment 1 - Pineapple Vinegar

Wild Yeast Experiment 2 - Pineapple Vinegar

Wild Bacteria Experiment 1 - Pineapple Vinegar

I did a bit more reading, and apparently bacteria is responsible for the process of turning sugars to vinegar not yeast.

I was perusing Diana Kennedy's The Cuisines of Mexico the other day and ran across her recipe for pineapple vinegar.  I was cutting up a fresh pineapple for breakfast this morning, and decided to give it a shot.

All you have to do, is take the skin from a half a pineapple, a few chunks of the fruit, some brown sugar, and water, throw it all in a jar, cover it with plastic, set it on the counter, and wait.  The process is supposed to take about 3 weeks.  Wish me luck.

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